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Read our blogs for more insights on biophilia and biophilic design. Find out what creates our intrinsic bond with nature and how we can use this relationship to make people happier and the planet healthier.

Knock on Wood: Employee Wellbeing Increases Around Wood

Knock on Wood: Employee Wellbeing Increases Around Wood

Wooden details and designs are as versatile as they are functional – even when it comes to employee wellbeing. They add a rustic, natural touch while also being sturdy enough to be utilized regularly.  With the pandemic reemphasizing the importance of what we...

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World’s Tallest Garden Coming Soon to Melbourne

World’s Tallest Garden Coming Soon to Melbourne

While the Southbank by Beulah tower will be the tallest in Australia upon completion, it will also be home to the world’s tallest garden. The two-billion-dollar development was commissioned by Melbourne real estate developer Beulah, with UNStudio and Cox Architecture...

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Singapore’s Guoco Midtown To Include Multiple Gardens

Singapore’s Guoco Midtown To Include Multiple Gardens

Guoco Midtown, the latest development in Singapore’s Central Business District, is set to house a “privately developed collection of gardens,” according to Edge Prop Singapore. Thirty thematic gardens, along with landscaped spaces throughout them, will take up 3.8...

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Biophilic Aegis Living Senior Community Opening in April

Biophilic Aegis Living Senior Community Opening in April

Bellevue Overlake, the latest Aegis Living community, will be open for residents in April. The residential community is located just a few minutes away from Overlake Medical Center. Aegis Living took a biophilic approach to the development of the community. The new...

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Urban Food Forest at Brown Mill Tackles Food Insecurity

Urban Food Forest at Brown Mill Tackles Food Insecurity

It’s strange to think the land that’s currently home to the Urban Food Forest at Brown Mill in Atlanta was almost a residential development. Previously owned by Willie and Ruby Morgan who ran a farm on the land, it was bought in the mid-2000s for the construction of...

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2021 Design Leaning Towards Biophilic, Industrial Design

2021 Design Leaning Towards Biophilic, Industrial Design

The pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, even influencing 2021 design trends. “What sets 2021’s design trends apart from other years is that we’re now putting more emphasis on functionality than ever before,” Grace Stephens, a writer for Furniture Today,...

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