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Luxury Portfolio International, a bi-annual print publication, has set its focus on biophilia for its latest issue. With biophilic design being the most popular design trend currently, its emphasis on connecting with nature has triggered a desire to be more connected to our spaces.

“In this issue, we wanted to drill down deeper into what that has meant for the luxury real estate market, how buying patterns have been subsequently shaped, and ways that individuals can further their connection to the environment that surrounds them.”Mickey Alam Khan, editor-in-chief of the publication, told PRNewswire.

Biophilia’s influence on design and architecture is at the forefront of the latest Luxury Portfolio International issue, with an added emphasis on wellness and sustainability. An interview with Anisa Kamadoli Costa, Chief Sustainability Officer for Tiffany and Co., expands on the brand’s rise as a “leader in sustainability and environmental initiatives.”

Click here to view the digital edition of Luxury Portfolio International’s latest issue.

Click here for a related post on an upscale biophilically designed restaurant in Lisbon.
